



















11美乐家众多产品获得犹太认证     2美乐家的顾客及会员举例





美乐家公司(Melaleuca Inc.)1985年由总裁暨首席执行官范德士 (Frank L. VanderSloot)先生所创立。总公司设立于美国爱达荷州。爱达荷市(Idaho Falls,Idaho),是全世界率先以先进研发科技,因其为世界首家将自然界珍贵的茶树精油(Melaleuca Tea Tree Oil) 精纯提炼、研发运用于各项日用品的公司,公司因此命名「Melaleuca」(中译名:美乐家)。

美乐家拥有信誉卓著的历史,自1985年成立以来的业绩年年增长。在‘Inc. 500’《500强企业》 杂志每年一度的评选中,美乐家均被评为美国成长速度最快的私人公司。





    *1991年荣获美国商会企业蓝筹奖(U.S. Chamber of Commerce Blue Chip Enterprise Award)。(最有潜力的奖)。


  *1995年荣获美国爱达荷州商业公会杰出社会服务奖(Outstanding Service to Community)。同一后,美乐家名列《SUCCESS 成功杂志》封面,全美直销事业成功典范。


  *1996年荣获美国发展研讨组织(Development Workshop Inc.)年度雇主奖(Employer of the Year)。同一年,美乐家在1996年开始到今名列会美直销商均富收入排名第一名。


  *1998年荣获美国爱达荷州立大学年度企业领袖奖(Idaho Business Leader of the Year)


  *1998年荣获美国童子军协会卓越社会服务奖(Distinguished Community Service)   


  *2000年荣获(Inc. Magazine)500强企业名人榜(Inc.500 Hall of Frame)


  *2001年荣获美国有线电视(CNN)年度企业家奖(Entrepreneur of the Year)


  *2001年荣获美国爱达荷州商业公会卓越服务奖(Outstanding Service)   


  *2002年美国商会U.S. Chamber of Commerce 百年特辑(America & the Spirit of Enterprise)之全球最佳企业。从1800万家企业中入选《美国商会百年特辑》之直销业唯一一家公司,被选为21世纪全球最佳企业及直销业中最具发展潜力的企业。


  *2003年荣获美国爱达荷州商业公会杰出环保奖(Environmental Excellence Award)2003年营业额为全美6000家直销公司排名第二。


  *2004年荣获美国心理学协会健康工作环境奖(Healthy Workplace Award)2004年荣获全球直销企业综合评比第一名。


  *2005年荣获美国直销协会终身教育奖(Education for Life)   


  *2005年荣获美国商业改进局名人榜(Better Business Bureau Hall of Fame)   


  *2006年荣获美国明尼苏达州圣保罗市长将630日订为美乐家日(Melaleuca Day)


  *2007年荣获美国救世军组织"全国最高荣誉奖项"(The National Salvation Army award)


  *2007年爱达荷州名人榜(The Idaho Hall of Fame)将美乐家执行长范德士先生列入名人榜。





3 95%的顾客产品续订率










2008美乐家业绩成长率业界第一 直销排名第二


2008500大服务业,总营收7439亿7千万元、总营收成长率3.2%;美乐家於台湾迈入第12年、美乐家大中华区副总裁刘树崇表示,美乐家2008年衝破景气寒冬、力剋全球金融风暴,业绩逆势成长14. 29%达到48亿佳绩,并创下连续十一年业绩年年正成长的傲人纪录,可以说是直销业界的一枝独秀;未来美乐家将持续秉持著「助人的文化」,以更优质的產品、更完备的购物环境、更丰富的奖励方案等,期许能成為直销业界的典范,坐二望一、再创高峰指日可待!










2002年美国商会(America & the Spirit of Enterprise)百年特辑之全球最佳企业,被评选为21世纪最具发展潜力的公司。







1原文:Melaleuca Inc.




3原文:1770: In New South Wales, Australia, Captain Cook learns that local aborigines treat a number of their ailments with a tea brewed from the leaves of the 美乐家 tree, a shrub like tree he names the tea tree.

3译文:1770: 在澳洲新南威尔斯省南部,库克船长获悉地方土著居民用从美乐家树的树叶酿造的茶来治疗他们的许多疾病, 这种很像树的灌木他命名为“茶树”。

4原文:2001: In Idaho Falls, Idaho, Melaleuca Inc, inc.——launched originally to market products based on the Melaleuca Inc tree——conducts a $450 million per year business, with an enviable catalog of healthful and therapeutic home hygiene, nutrition, and personal care products.

4译文:001: 在爱达荷州,爱达荷市,美乐家——最初在市场上销售的是美乐家树为基础的产品,每一年产生4.5亿的营业额, 来自一份带有益于健康和治疗的家庭卫生保健用品、营养品和个人护理产品资讯的倍受注目的目录。

5原文:How Melaleuca Inc oil found its way from a miniscule part of Australia into millions of American households——while inspiring a business that in 1991 was described by Inc. magazine as Americas 37th fastest growing private company and since then has been consistently ranked among the inc. top 2000——is tantamount to an incredible entrepreneurial journey.

6译文美乐家是如何从澳洲的一个 miniscule区域扩展到数以百万计的美国家庭,并且 1991,公司被企业杂志评比为美国第 37 家成长最快速的私营公司,并且从那以后一直名列inc排行榜。2000 年之前,这真是一次难以置信的企业家的旅程。

7原文:In 1985, current Melaleuca Inc president and CEO, Frank L. VanderSloot——at the point content in his post as regional vice president for a Fortune 500 company——received a call from Roger Ball, an old family friend, who had teamed up with an Australian who claimed to have 80 percent of all the Melaleuca Inc trees in the world on his ranch. Ball wanted VanderSloot to help the two partners build a company to market Melaleuca Inc Oil, as well as various complementary products.

7译文: 1985 ,现在的美乐家董事长和首席执行官-范德士——是一家财富 500强公司的副总裁, 他接到了一个叫Roger Ball老朋友的电话,想要和范德士先生二个合作建立一家公司,在市场上销售美乐家油 , 和各种不同的辅助产品. 因为他说已经和一个澳洲人合作在他的大农场上种有世界上占有 80% 的美乐家茶树.

8原文:Reluctant as first, VanderSloot finally agreed, quit his job, moved his family to ldaho, and threw himself into the business with enthusiasm. But he soon discovered seemingly insurmountable problems. After investigating the company’s literature, he determined that many of the medical claims the company had been making about Melaleuca Inc Oil were outside the bounds set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. He also discovered that many of the products lacked credible research and that the companys marketing plan was based on a multilevel marketing scheme that was probably illegal in all 50 states. Finally, VanderSloot discovered that the companys Australian partner did not control anything near 80 percent of the worlds Melaleuca Inc trees. In fact, he owned barely 5percent of them. Sales plummeted.

8译文:范德士先生起初不情愿,但最后同意离开他的工作,移居到爱达荷, 而且全身心投入生意. 但是他很快发现了似乎难以克服的问题. 在调查公司的材料之后, 他发现公司已经生产的美乐家精油的品质标准是在美国食品和药品管理局制定要求范围之外的. 他也发现许多产品缺乏可行性研究,而且公司的市场营销计划基于一个多层的销售计划,并且这样的计划在全部50个州中有可能是不合法的。最后, 范德士先生发现事实上公司的澳洲合伙人根本没有世界上80% 的美乐家茶树,他只拥有5%,致使销售量骤然跌落。

9原文:Not surprisingly, the decision was made to close down Oil of Melaleuca Inc, Inc, which had taken off with such great promise.


10原文:What happened next is the stuff of marketing history. Out of failure, VanderSloot learned the secret to Melaleuca Incs current success.

10译文:之后在行销记录材料中偶然发现了问题关键所在. 从失败中,范德士先生学习到了美乐家现在成功的秘密.

11原文:I learned,” says VanderSloot, “that a lot of ordinary, hardworking people want to get ahead, but that they have no real way to do it. Though America is supposed to be the land of opportunity, with corporate mergers and buy outs, it is nearly impossible for the little guy to get in.”

11译文:“我学到了,”范德士先生说,“许多平凡而勤劳的人们想要有更好的发展, 可是他们没有有效的途径. 虽然美国应该是充满机会的地方,但是由于公司的兼并和买卖的外行,对许多弱小者来说几乎是不可能做到的。

12原文:Little wonder that throughout the ages there has been a popular cry to redistribute wealth,” he continues. “The problem is that socialism and communism just haven’t worked, and of course, they never will. I realized that what we need is not the redistribution of money, but the distribution of opportunity.”

12译文:“在各个年代早已有呼声希望财富重新分配的奇迹出现,”他继续:“这个难题在社会主义和共产主义社会正好可以避免,当然,他们从没这必要。我意识到我们需要的不是钱的再分配, 而是机会的分配。”

13原文:VanderSloot knew that Melaleuca Inc Oil really did have great therapeutic potential. And with his newfound knowledge that significant numbers of people longed for the opportunity to secure an independent income, he developed new formulas, as well as an innovative new marketing plan.

13译文:范德士先生知道美乐家的茶树精油确实是很棒的、有潜在性治疗作用的精油. 而且他有一些重要的新发现,有很多人一直希望有可靠的机会和一份稳定独立的收入, 因此他开发了新的模式, 和一个创新的行销计划.

14原文:He rearranged his deal with the original owners, became a partner in the business, invested his life savings, and set out to establish a brand new organization. He met with chemists, pharmacists, doctors, attorneys, and other experts of various stripes, then he launched Melaleuca Inc, Inc., in September 1985. With a loyal office staff of seven , he developed a mission statement that pledged to enhance the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals and vowed to never charge more for our products than what they are worth.”

14译文:他和最初的拥有者重新组合, 变成生意的一个合伙人, 用他的生活储蓄作为投资, 并且宣布建立新的商标组织. 他遇到各种不同的化学家,药剂师,医生,代理人和其他的专家, 然后他于19859月建立了美乐家公司。藉由七个忠诚的公司职员,他陈述了这样一份保证“以帮助人们达到他们的目标来提高生命价值”而且发誓“从不为我们的产品辩护,而更多地去研究它们的价值如何。”

15原文:VanderSloot’s efforts paid off when, in 1991, he accepted the prestigious Blue Chip Enterprise Award from U.S. Chamber of Commerce. This award recognizes companies that overcome great adversity on their way to success. In 1998, VanderSloot was named “Idaho Business Leader of the Year” by Idaho State University, and in 2001, he was named “entrepreneur of the Year” for the northwest United States.

15译文: 1991 年,范德士先生的努力见效了, 他接受了来自美国商业协会的享有声望的绩优股企业奖赏. 这个奖赏代表该公司在通往成功的途中克服了所有困难. 1998 年,范德士先生被命名爱达荷州大学的 "年度爱达荷商业领袖" ,而且在 2001 年,他被命名为美国西北部"年度企业家".

16原文:Today, in the Melaleuca Inc Country Catalog, there are more than 200 top-of-the-line nutritional supplements; fast-acting natural cures for aches and pains; economically and ecologically sensible laundry and cleaning products; and luxurious, beneficial shampoos, bath gels, skin care preparations, and cosmetics for both men and women. Indeed, VanderSloot and his scientists guarantee that the products distributed by Melaleuca Inc are of a higher quality----and are a better value----than any to be found in a grocery store.

16译文:今天, 在美乐家公司目录, 200多种顶尖产品。营养辅助食品;快速自然的治愈了疼痛和痛苦;专业的清洁产品,经济又环保;优质的洗发精, 沐浴凝胶和化妆品为呵护男人和女人的皮肤而准备. 也确实,范德士先生和他的科学家保证美乐家所销售的产品在同品质产品中,价位最底,同价位中,品质最好.

17原文:Today, we are in the position where top scientists approach us with their inventions, notes VanderSloot. They sometimes spend years developing awesome products with no way to take them to market.. Melaleuca Inc becomes that avenue to the marketplace. PROVEXCV, a revolutionary heart-protection supplement containing specific varieties of grape skin and grape seed, was developed at the University of Wisconsin; our best-selling vitamin and mineral Vitality Pak, processed with a fructose compound that allows the body to fully assimilate minerals, was developed by scientist David Mitchell; and our Access Fat-Conversion Activity Bars were developed from the research of Dr. Larry Wang into adenosine, a nucleoside involved in the body’s capacity to metabolize fat.”

17译文:“今天,我们顶级的科学家用他们的发明与我们合作,”范德士先生强调“他们有时花多年的时间开发具有权威性的产品却没办法推向市场,美乐家成为它们市场通道。葡萄籽CV,包含葡萄皮和葡萄种子丰富的、革命性的心脏保护补充物, 这是由威斯康辛州的大学发现的;我们最畅销的维他命和矿物活力 Pak产品, 用能让身体完全吸收矿物质的一种fructose 化合物处理,被科学家大卫·米切尔开发;我们的活力棒是由Dr. Larry Wang医生发现的,它能够有效地积极参与在身体中脂肪物质的转换。”

18原文:And how does Melaleuca Inc market its products? For a $29 investment, marketing executives can buy comprehensive information on every product and a 12-month subscription to the companys monthly magazine. Then, using the catalog, along with knowledge of the real science behind every product, they can market the line to their friends, neighbors, and relatives. Their customers order from the catalog each month, and Melaleuca Inc pays commissions to whoever gave the customer the catalog. Moreover, since Melaleuca Inc ships every order directly to the customer, executives don’t have to contend with stocking products or managing inventory.

18译文:那美乐家是如何销售他的产品的呢?是以 $29 投资,让行销主管每月从公司所赠送12个月的丰富的产品目录中购买任意产品。然后使用目录,真正科学地了解每种产品的知识后,将产品销售给他们的朋友,邻居和亲戚。接着,他们的客户每月从目录上订购产品,由美乐家来支付介绍人的佣金。而且,美乐家负责将产品发送给顾客的每个环节,行销主管无须为产品运送和管理存货清单而操心。

19原文:In April 2001, the Melaleuca Inc head office sent out 162,000 commission checks, ranging from $2.03 to more than $185,000. In 2000, two independent marketing executives made more than $a million, while more than a few executives took home hundreds of thousands of dollars.

19译文:2001年四月份佣金检算,美乐家总公司发放出 162,000 佣金, 范围从 $2.03 $185,000以上. 2000 年,两个独立行销主管赚了超过一百万美金的佣金, 而有更多的主管拿到了成百上千的佣金。

20原文:Our business is actually tailored to supplement peoples existing incomes, VanderSloot says. Many marketing executives sell Melaleuca Inc products part-time. For those starting out, the average income is $1,500 per month. And while this alone can make a significant impact on the average family budget, the potential for growth is substantially greater.

20译文:“我们的事业实际上是为了补贴人们现有的收入,”范德士先生说. “许多行销主管是兼职做美乐家的。刚开始的时候, 平均的收入每月是 $1,500. 这已能对一个普通家庭的预算产生明显影响,其发展潜力是很大的。”

21原文:Also, with its loyal customer base, the company has been able to negotiate good rates on a number of services on behalf of its customers. For example, Melaleuca Incs Preferred Customers----those who have a minimum standing order for $35 worth of products each month ----can now enjoy substantially reduced rates for Internet access, airline ticket, and long-distance telephone service.

22译文:也就是由于它有许多忠实的客户基础,使公司能够在许多的服务上代表它的客户获得好的折扣。举例来说,美乐家的忠实客户——那些每个月持续订购最少$35 价值产品的人,现在可以享受因特网访问,飞机票和长途电话的大的折扣。

23原文:Currently, Melaleuca Inc signs somewhere between 17,000 and 20,000 new house holds every month. It is already in one out of every 200 households in the United States and Canada, and it recently opened branches in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and Australia.

23译文:现在,美乐家每月新签约客户已达到17,000 20,000 户之间. 它已经深入美国和加拿大每平均200个家庭中,而且它最近在香港,台湾,日本,澳洲新加坡,荷兰,中国也开设了分支机构.

24原文:Finally, on the key to leadership, VanderSloot offers, “I have learned that people want to have a dream. They want to have hope. It is an awesome responsibility that we have as leader, that people are following us. It is important that we live worthy of their trust in us. We must provide them substance, with superior products, and financial reward in proportion to their contribution. We really are redistributing opportunity.

24译文:最后,在领导这一关键点上,范德士先生说明, “我了解人们想要有一个梦想. 他们想要有希望. 这是我们作为领导者的一项神圣的职责,人们正跟随着我们,最重要的一点是因为我们是值得他们信任的。我们一定要为他们提供物质,包括优良的产品,并且对他们的贡献给予相应的经济报酬。我们真的正在重新分配机会给每个人。

25原文:And the result is only fun, it’s incredible!

